

Reviews, tips and guides for apps available on iOS.

Power up Your Productivity with Duet Display!

Duet Display is a great app that allows you to use your iPad or iPhone as a second display for your Windows computer or your Mac.Duet Display is an app for iOS that allows you to use your iPad or iPhone as a...

Space by THIX: Make Your Own Solar System

Space by THIX is a great app that allows you to create your own solar system and add anything from a black hole to a terrestrial planet.Space is a great app, and it allows you to add planets and other space objects to...

Chemist: A Lab on Your iPad

Chemist is an app by THIX which is a virtual chemistry lab on your iPad. It's great for doing serious experiments, and also mucking around in and seeing what happens when you react one chemical with another.Chemist is a great app that allows you to...

iStudiez Pro: A Student’s Dream Planner

iStudiez Pro is a planner app for students that allows you to plan your classes, add your assignments and grades, and a lot more.iStudiez Pro is a great app that allows students to plan their classes, exams, assignments and track their grades on...

Must Have Back to School Apps and Tech

School is around the corner, and here are the must have apps and gear for school, from notetaking to organizing your classes. Check out below to find out what you should have in your school kit! Evernote - Freemium Evernote is the king of notetaking,...

Code On Your iPad and iPhone with Textastic and Working Copy

The iPad is a great tool for productivity, from writing up essays to coding. If you use GitHub or BitBucket, you'll know that it can be hard to edit your repositories on your iPhone or iPad. However, Working Copy and Textastic may be...

LongScreen: Combine Screenshots

Longscreen is a great app that allows you to combine screenshots vertically or side-by-side, and can come in very useful when you want to share something that's very long, or when you want to put similar screenshots side-by-side.LongScreen is a really great app...

Cardflow+: Beyond Index Cards

Cardflow is an app for iPad which allows you to make boards and then put flashcards on. It’s great for managing projects, brainstorming, making quote banks and a lot more.Cardflow+ is a great app that allows you to make flashcards on boards. You...

Make School Notes Quicker with Workflow and Drafts 4

I recently started using my iPad as my primary device for taking notes at school. It was lighter then my PC, and I could also use my Jot Script to hand write on it. I recently adapted a workflow for taking notes that...

Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple

Workflow is a very powerful app for iOS that allows you to connect actions together to automate things on your iPad or iPhone.Workflow is probably in my top 5 apps that I have. It allows me to build workflows that automate things that...