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Reviews, tips and guides for programs and tools available on Windows.

Curiosity – Find Everything, Anywhere – A Review

Curiosity is an app that aims to make finding things easier - in a world where many people use dozens of apps, it can be hard to find what you are looking for when everything is stored in a different place. This is where...

A Look at Evernote Tasks

Evernote, my favourite notetaking software, has recently introduced a new features - tasks. I am still looking for the perfect task manager, with my favourite, Things 3, not being available on Windows. Evernote Tasks aims to allow you to manage deadlines, important tasks...

Nirvana Task Manager Review

Having used Things 3 for years, I finally decided to give another task manager a go - using my phone to manage all my tasks was getting pretty clunky, and I wanted something that I could access on my laptop and desktop too. The...

Jailbreak Your iPhone with unc0ver

For years jailbreaking has been a tricky thing to do with iPhones - often it would run with a significant risk of bricking your device, and would require knowledge of the iOS filesystem. In general, it wasn't something your everyday iOS user would...

Automate VLC Scrobbling to Trakt with Trakt Scrobbler

I last wrote about Trakt Scrobbler halfway through 2019, and it has undergone significant changes since then. This post is an updated version of the previous version, with new information and a new guide on installation. If you use Trakt, you'll likely know about...

Using Zotero to Manage Citations

If you do any academic writing, you'll come into contact with citations a lot. For some reason, many people overcomplicate using citations - manually entering them, and creating spreadsheets to tracks sources they have used. Zotero is a brilliant, free, citation manager, that...

Pushover: Simple Notifications – Review

I've been using Pushover as my custom notifications app for a few months now, and have been very impressed by the large amount of features that the app offers, as well as the integrations it has. It is also incredibly affordable, with a...

Huion 1060 Plus Review

The Huion 1060 is a affordable drawing tablet designed for artists and graphic designers. With 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity, a 10 x 6.25" drawing area, and multiple keyboard shortcut keys the Huion 1060 Plus offers an impressive package for an affordable price. The...

T7 Gaming Mouse Review

There are lots of cheap mouses out there, and often they'll have some pretty basic features. In this post, I'll be reviewing the T7 Gaming Mouse - a mouse I've been using for the past two years, and features adjustable DPI, programmable buttons...

ProWritingAid Review

ProWritingAid is a grammar and style editor that will help you improve your writing. It checks for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and also offers suggestions on how to improve your writing. I've been using ProWritingAid on a few of my essays and have been...