

Quickly share images and gifs with Gyazo

Gyazo is a great tool for quickly sharing images and gifs with your friends, family and colleagues. Have you ever been using a program and wanted to take a screenshot and share it in the space of mere seconds? Well, with Gyazo you can!After downloading...

Customize Your Desktop with Rainmeter

Rainmeter is a free tool for desktop customisation.Rainmeter is a free application for Windows which allows you to customise your desktop. You may think that you can do this with the Gadgets which are built into Windows, but Rainmeter allows you to go...

Make Wikipedia Look Great with Wikiwand!

Wikiwand is a chrome extension to make Wikipedia look great.What a page looks like when loadedWe all use Wikipedia (even if we're not meant to). It's a great source for researching for homework, essays or just for looking up things that interest you.I...

IFTTT: Automate Your Life

IFTTT: Put the internet to work for youIFTTT is a great tool for putting the internet to work for you. You can automate things such as saving all your favorite tweets into a note in Evernote, switching your alarm on when you leave...

Make Attention Seeking Designs with Canva!

Canva is a great tool for designing things from infographics, e-book covers and posters to social media headers (my Twitter, Google+ and this blog headers are made in Canva).The Canva logoCanva is simple and easy to use, and its free.You can pay for...

Use Prezi to Make Engaging Presentations

Prezi is a easy to use piece of software that is available on the web and for tablets. The Prezi logo Prezi is great for making engaging presentations quickly and easily. In Prezi, you don't have slides. Instead, you have one 'board' where you link together...

Get Things Done Quicker by Using These Wunderlist Extensions

Want to quickly add a todo to Wunderlist without switching screens? Try out the Wunderlist New Tab Extension. Simply download it for Chrome here, and then sign in and start using. The Wunderlist New Tab You can add todos via webpages using the Add to...

Lucidchart: A Great Tool for Students

Lucidchart is a amazing app. It allows you to make mockups, diagrams, mindmaps, and many more other things.The Lucidchart logoThe UI (user interface) is also very simple and easy to use, and you can quickly make graphs, mockups, venn diagrams and more easily...

How I Manage My Todos with Wunderlist

Wunderlist is my tool for simple tasks or large tasks, and I love its simplicity and beauty.The Wunderlist logoI choose Wunderlist after trying out many task managers such as Things, Asana, Azendoo and Producteev. I sticked with Things for a while, but I found it...