The Canva logo |
Canva is simple and easy to use, and its free.
You can pay for some elements, such as more backgrounds, images, icons and more. Each of these elements cost $1 dollar each. If I made a infographic, and I used three premium elements, I would have to pay $3 to get the image (or PDF) without a watermark. You can also upload your own images.
Canva User Interface |
The Canva user interface is simple and easy to use, and it gives you a quick tutorial when you sign up. Its easy to navigate, and after a few minutes you will probably have got the hang of it.
Canva is a great tool for making many things, and its also great that its free. Check out all the most recent public designs here (account required).
Do you use Canva? Feel free to say what you use it for, and if you want to, post a link to your favorite design!