Pokémon Posts are Stopping
Just a quick note to let you know that all Pokemon posts are stopping. I don't think it fits in with my blog, and I found that I did not enjoy writing on the topic.Please contact me for questions!Thanks for reading!Feel free to...
No Pokèmon posts on the 10th and 17th of August
Just a quick note that there will not be any Pokèmon posts on the 10th and 17th. I'm away, and I didn't manage to write them in time!Saturday posts will continue as normal.Thanks and sorry!
Reader survey
Hello there!I am conducting a reader survey, to see what you want more of. You can complete it here:Loading...Please answer all the questions honestly, and questions with a * are necessary.Thanks to all who complete it!Please feel free to comment below!
No posts on Wednesday 30 March and Saturday 2 April
There will be no posts on Wednesday 30 March and Saturday 2 April as I am away and will not be able to produce content of a high standard. I apologise to all you readers, and thanks for reading!
Happy Christmas!
I'd just like to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!There will be no post on Saturday!Have a good Christmas! :D
Pokémon Appear on The Nerdy Student!
Hello there!You may have seen that I recently added a survey, and that was to decide whether stuff about Pokémon would be added to The Nerdy Student.I am happy to announce that the results were in favor of Pokémon being added!Pokémon in the...
Have Your Say in the Future of The Nerdy Student!
Hello there!I have been considering whether to add Pokemon to this blog, Please take the 10 second survey below to have your say in the future of The Nerdy Student!Thank you very much!Loading...