I recently picked up a new iPhone, and I’ve been loving it. Moving over from an old Android phone, it’s great to be able to use the apps that I use on my iPad every day on my phone, and the tight integration between my iPhone and iPad is also great. I’ve had my home screen set up as it is for quite a while on my phone, and this post will tell you about the apps on the home screen.
I use a Spigen Ultra Hybrid case with a Zagg InvisibleShield Glass screen protector. If you would like the same background as me, you can pick it up here.
First row
On the first row you’ll find Photos next to Camera. I use Photos a lot, and the same with Camera as the iPhone X’s camera is great and I want to use it as much as I can. Next, I have Fantastical, a great calendar that helps me keep track of lessons and appointments so I’m not late to them. I then have Carrot Weather, which is a great snarky app that tells me the weather with sass, and its great fun to check the weather every morning with the app. It also fits in with the wallpaper, which is great and it looks right at home.
Second row
I have mainly social and relaxing apps on this row. I use Tweetbot as my main Twitter client now. I don’t see any ads in the tweets, they are sorted chronologically and I can use multiple accounts. I also really like the ability to mute people and words, along with the dark mode the app comes with. Snapchat I use to talk to friends, and YouTube is what I use to watch videos on the go. I use Evernote a ton on my phone as it means that I can quickly edit notes when I’m on the go, and look at notes that I have taken too.
Third row
On the third row is where most of my productivity apps that I use a lot are. Spark is my email client of choice – it’s simple, and it just works. I’ve tried other clients, but I never seemed to get notifications in time, and Spark just works great for me. Ulysses is an awesome app, and iCloud sync means that I can start a sheet on my iPad, and finish it on my phone when I’m commuting. The app is one of my favourite apps I’ve ever used, and won my Best App of 2017 award. I use it to write essays, blog posts and any sort of long form writing. What’s great is the app allows me to export to various formats, including to WordPress, PDF and .docx format. Workflow is another great app, allowing me to speed up things that I do such as creating Pipeline tables to automating the creation of college notes. It’s a must have app if you want to automate some of the things you do and speed up your workflow. Finally, Things 3. I recently changed from Todoist to Things 3 because Things offered be the ability to set both a deadline for a task, and a date when I wanted to do it so it would show up in my Today view (you can learn more about this feature in my in-depth review). I really love the app, but wish that it had the cross-platform support that Todoist does so I can use it on my PC.
Fourth row
Overcast is my favourite podcast player, and I really enjoy listening to podcasts using it. The smart speed feature is great, as it makes podcasts go quicker and shortens silence without you noticing and works great, and the voice boost makes it a lot easier to listen to the podcasts whilst commuting. Plus, the app is free. I use Instapaper for all my offline reading, and it works well and I haven’t had any problems with it. I use Apple News every now and then to catch up with what’s going on in the world, and even better, you can subscribe to The Nerdy Student on it here, so new posts show up in your feed. Then, I have the App Store where I like to read the posts in the Today view and check for updates.
Below this row, I have the Settings app which I use every now and then to connect to WiFi, sort out bluetooth and manage my device.
I’ve been using Apollo, a Reddit client, for hours every day. I’m a huge fan of Reddit, and Apollo makes the browsing experience for posting, commenting and upvoting great. The post and comment editor supports full markdown syntax, and 3D Touching on the icon lets you quickly and easily access subreddits that you have starred. I really recommend Apollo to anyone who uses Reddit. Safari is the browser I use – it works well, and everything directs to it on iOS so I just use it – I have no issues. Messages for iMessage and texts. Spotify is what I use to listen to music, and I really like the radio function and the suggested playlists.
So that is my iPhone X home screen! I’m really enjoying using this phone and the apps on it, and I hope you found this post interesting and useful. I use my phone for writing blog posts on the move, creating tasks, gaming, listening to music and everything I use my iPad for, just on a smaller screen. If you want to check out my iPad home screen, you can do so here.