Snapentry is an app which costs £2.99 in the Appstore.
Snapentry allows you to quickly enter your thoughts into Evernote, without having to wait for the Evernote app to load. This means that you will not forget your ideas, or you may want to get them down quickly.
Snapentry has many features, such as allowing you to insert pictures and allowing you to queue notes when your offline. You can see all the features on the app’s Appstore page.
One of my favorite features of the app is the option to allow ‘Auto send’. What happens here is that when the home button is pressed, the app automatically sends the note. This means that you don’t have to press the send button, and takes away a tap and makes the process of using the app slicker.
All in all, Snapentry is a pretty cool app, and if your sick of waiting for Evernote to load up, I suggest you look into it.
If you don’t want to dish out £2.99, you can always try Do Note by IFTTT. If you decide to get Do Note, use this recipe to get your notes into Evernote. However, Do Notes does not have the advanced features that Snapentry has. You can only enter plain text notes with Snapentry, and they cannot be tagged or moved to a different notebook in app.
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