Automatically Move Tasks from Wunderlist to Evernote

Evernote and Wunderlist are both great tools, and I use them both a lot. I make tasks in Evernote, but I want to have them automatically appear in Wunderlist. Zapier is a great tool (a bit like IFTTT) which allowed me to do it.

First, you need to get a Zapier account. Then, click on make a Zap.

With your trigger app, choose Evernote. The trigger should be new note, then link your Evernote account and select it. Next, select the notebook you make your tasks in (for me it is the !Due Today notebook). Test the step, and then your onto the Action app. 
For the Action app, select Wunderlist, and then click on create a new task. Connect your account to Wunderlist, and then you need to set up the task. Select the list you want it in on the first box. Then for the title, select ‘Title’. You can put in a due date if you want, but I usually don’t. If you do not want the task to be starred, leave the Starred box with false in it. If you want it starred, select ‘Yes’. For note, I select ‘Content Text’. When you have done this click continue.
Then click create and continue, and it will test the task. Then name the Zap and you are done!
I hope this helped, and I hope you enjoyed the post!
Thanks for reading!
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