Recently I began to use to track how many shows I watched, and to keep track of oncoming shows. don’t offer an official iOS app, however they do have API, and Watcht is the best unofficial app for on the App Store. Coming with many features that make watching your shows easier, Watcht is a powerful app for those who enjoy TV shows and movies.
Firstly, the Dashboard on Watcht is very useful. It shows you the current progress of TV shows you are watching, with the next show to watch at the top. It then has the schedule of shows that are still being aired below, and you can set up alerts to be notified when a show is about to air. Then, you get the time watched over the last two weeks or month, your top rated movies and TV shows, and finally, recommendations for you to watch. The dashboard is really great, as it allows you to keep track of what episode you next want to watch, and also to see when your show is airing and where.
Tapping on a TV show gives you information about it, including the original aired date, the runtime, and the description. It also shows you comments on the show or movie, as well as stats on how many watchers, plays, and more it has. Also, people who are watching that TV show or movie are also shown. What I really like about Watcht is that it allows you to mark a show as watched right from the app, and also to check into shows. It also allows you to add it to lists, such as your watchlist, and also add it to collections. With TV Shows, they are categorised into seasons, allowing you to easily navigate to the precise show that you want.

Another great feature of Watcht is the Explore page, showing you the moves that people are watching, and the TV Shows. You can also search here for a specific movie or TV show, and quickly navigate to an episode or add it to your watch list. It allows you to sort by grossing movies, the most anticipated movies, the most collected movies from the week and many more filters. I really like this – if I ever run out of things to watch, I can just go to the explore page and see whats trending, and what I should watch. Watcht has presented this in a really well done way, allowing it to be easy to find new content to watch.

Next is Calendar, and this shows you the times that shows you are subscribed to are airing. I have only two shows here, as I usually watch them after the series has aired, however this is a great feature for those that watch many shows. Watcht can alert you before it airs, so you won’t miss the episode, and this is a fairly new feature that works brilliantly. Movies also show up in here on their release date.

I’ve already discussed the Dashboard, which is the core of the app, and watch list is fairly simple. It shows you all the shows and movies you’ve added to your watch list, and allows you to sort them by various options, such as title, the release date, the run time, and much more. You can also find custom lists you have made here, and filter the lists.
Profile is my second most used tab after Dashboard. Your profile shows you your total watched time, split for movies and TV shows, and also shows how many you have in your collection. It also shows your most recently watched episode, and your most watched TV show and movie. Some interesting stats are also given here, including a bar chart of your ratings, and a pie chart of the genres that you watch the most. Finally, your top rated TV shows and movies are shown here.

Watcht is a great iOS implementation of, and I cannot recommend it more for users of the service. I have had no issues with the app, and it has allowed me to rate, check in, mark content as watched much quicker than using the clunky on mobile. Watcht is also available for iPad, and works well on there too.
You can read my in-depth review on here.
Watcht is free on the App Store, with no in-app purchases (at time of writing).