Just a quick post about a few things on the site and around it.
Firstly, I fixed the issue where comments were not showing up on posts after 28 days. For some reason this box got ticked when I updated WordPress, however no it is no longer and comments show up again.
Secondly, Apple has ended it’s Affiliate Program for the App Store. This meant that when an app was purchased through a post, I would receive a small cut of 7%. This greatly helped in reducing the costs for the site, however Apple has now shut this down, meaning that this money will no longer be received. If you would like to, please feel free to donate any amount to aid in running the site. You can read more information on that here. I want to optimise and work more on the website theme especially, as there is a lot that can be improved (such as loading time).
I have also made the RSS feed full text. Originally, it was only a summary meaning that you had to open the feed in the browser. This means that I get more accurate statistics regarding readers that come in handy when working with companies, however I thought that the hassle for the reader was too much, so now you can easily read the full post in your RSS feed. If you want to subscribe via RSS, you can do so here.
Finally, thanks for reading! I have many more posts coming out on new tech and interesting items, so keep an eye out for those.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or to contact me via the contact page.