The Roost Stand – A Portable Laptop Stand

Posture is important if you use your computer most of the day – you don’t want to be hunched over you laptop, as this leads to back pains. Overtime, this can lead to permanent back problems, and also it’s not nice to have a painful back all the time. The Roost stand solves this problem. By raising your laptop screen, you are not hunched over it anymore and you sit up straight to view the screen – plus, it’s also extremely portable. You are meant to have the top of your screen two to three inches above your eye level, and the adjustable height of the Roost stand will allow you to get it at the perfect height for you.

One of the biggest advantages of the Roost stand is portability – you can collapse the Roost stand so it is an extremely small thirteen inch tall and 1 inch wide package, and fit it in the bag that the Roost stand comes with. This allows for easily portability, and lets you use it at cafes and on business trips1.

When using a laptop normally, you hunch over it during long use periods with a head-down posture. This isn’t good for your back, and can lead to nerve irritation and joint dysfunction. The Roost stand elevates your laptop to eye level, allowing you to sit up straight whilst you use the laptop, and prevent the said back pains.

The Roost stand is fully adjustable for height. There are different height settings so you can adjust the height of the monitor to make sure that it is the correct height. The Roost stand is also very portable, and you can close and open it in less than a second to carry it around. One of the cooler features of the Roost stand is that when you put the laptop into the stand, it has rotating grips that hold onto your laptop and ensure that it has a very stable platform and the laptop does not fall off the stand.

The Roost stand will also fits all computer sizes that have a base width of 1.9 centimetres. I can easily fit both a new Dell XPS and an old Dell Inspiron, and the both fit perfectly.

I’m really impressed with the Roost stand. It’s easy to leave the laptop on it on a desk, but it is also very portable and I can easily take it around with me whoever I go.

You can purchase the Roost stand for $80.00 of the official site, and I would really recommend that you do so.

Thanks for reading!

  1. You’ll need to take around a keyboard and mouse to use the Roost stand. You can pick up a bluetooth keyboard off Amazon from £10, and a bluetooth mouse from £9. Personally, I use a mechanical cabled keyboard as I don’t move my laptop around much.