Reeder 3: The Best RSS Reader for iOS

Reeder 3 for iPad is a great RSS app which allows you to synchronise your RSS feeds from different web apps such as Feedly and Inoreader, as well as a local sync.

Reeder 3 allows you to check your feeds from different services such as Feedly, Feedbin, Inoreader and many others. You can also use local sync if you do not have a web account. It also connects with Instapaper and Readability, which allows you to save articles for later.

Reeder checks your feeds when you go on the app, and then caches them. This allows you to read your feeds offline. You can mark as a article as favorite, and then tap on the star at the bottom to see all the articles marked as favorite; allowing you to quickly save articles you like.

The main reason I got Reeder is the ability to save articles to Evernote. I use Feedly, and you have to pay for a premium account to get the ability to save articles to services. I decided to invest in Reeder which would allow me to save my articles to Evernote. Reeder 3 costs £3.99, which is certainly worth it. When the app downloads and you open it, you can sign into your account(s), and then the app automatically fetches the feeds. You can also choose to only use local RSS feeds.

To share an article, simple tap on the sharing icon in the bottom right of article view; then tap on the service you want to share it to. You have to log in the first time you use that service, but you only need to do it once. When you share an article, a small box shows at the top of article view with the service you shared it to. This is a confirmation that you saved the article to that service. I also like the way that it does not obstruct the article, and it is very unobtrusive. I like to switch off the services I don’t use, as I find this cleans the sharing menu up a bit. You can do this by tapping on the cog at the top left of the accounts page. Saved articles come out great, looking like they did in the app.

Reeder is a great app, and I recommend that you try it out. The £3.99 is worth it, and you will be glad you did.

You can find the website here.

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