Write! features
Write has many features which can help you with your document. It tells you how many words the document will consist of, your words per day and your characters per minute. It also tells you your reading time, which is definitely a great feature for bloggers or if you’re preparing a speech.
Write! also has a native cloud feature, which stores all your documents and syncs them across devices. One of my favourite features is the unlimited ctrl-z feature; even if you have closed Write. The self-learning is also a great time saving feature. You can also convert your documents to markup.
With Write! you can select themes for titles, headings, subheadings and more, like in Microsoft Word. This is a huge advantage over Evernote. Another great feature is the hundreds of languages Write! comes with; you can have English, Italian, Chinese and Japanese all in the same document.
Once you’ve written your document, you can export it as a PDF, RTF and many more.
Account types
Write! is free for everyone, but there are plans of a Pro version of it coming out, meaning that if you purchase it you will get a truck-load of new features.
The look
One of the features of Write! is the beautiful interface which fits right in with Windows 10. You can choose between 2 modes; light and dark. I personally prefer the dark mode because it saves battery and is gentler on the eyes.
All in all, Write! is a great piece of software for Windows. If you’re a Mac or Linux user, don’t worry, because a version for you is coming out soon!
You can download Write! here.
Thanks for reading!
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